Pumpkin Patch At FUMC, Omaha Is A Local Favorite!

A sea of pumpkins!
The pumpkin patch at the First United Methodist Church in Omaha, Nebraska may not be the biggest in the area, but it is one of the best. Every October, a truck load of pumpkins arrives at the church from the Navajo Reservation located in the four corners of the desert southwest.
Volunteers unload the pumpkins onto the vast church lawn on a Saturday. A portion of the sales go to help with our youth missions at the church. I also want to give a shout out to Becky Jones, our youth program coordinator! I don’t know how she does it all-honestly!
The youth participate in many events, including one of my favorites, the Box City. Our youth help raise awareness to the plight of the homeless here in Omaha. Rain or shine, on a weekend in May they build their cardboard box shelters and sleep in them on the church lawn. Many monetary donations are given, as well as food and other needed items to help others.
My son picks up a huge pumpkin every year that I turn into puree in a food processor which is used for pies and other goodies throughout the season. There is nothing that compares with a homemade pumpkin pie from scratch. Yum!
The pumpkin patch is open during the Halloween season, on the front lawn Monday through Sunday from 11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Pumpkins of all sizes are available. Prices are determined by size. Anyone that lives in the area is encouraged to purchase their future jack-o-lanterns here. The proceeds benefit a lot of people.
If you want to find a pumpkin patch near you, use the Pumpkin Patch Locator. It is not too late to get your pumpkins! Have a safe and happy Halloween everyone!
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